
Project aims and objectives

TThe aim of the project InSIDE is to develop accessible distance education programmes for individuals with visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments. The concrete aims are to:

1) develop an accessible, inclusive and educationally effective model of distance education that will deliver key competences for vocational rehabilitation, and provide opportunities for lifelong learning, skills enhancement, and personal fulfilment with the ultimate aim of suggesting an intelligent solution against the problems of limited access or high percentage of dropouts in higher education in individuals with impairments,

2) structure a strong cooperation between organisations with sound expertise in accessible and inclusive higher education and organisations where both the modernisation of higher education and the promotion of the right to education of individuals with impairments is imperative, and

3) widen the horizons of local higher education towards an international and intercultural education through distance education programmes.

The overall objectives of the project are to:

1) Develop new and innovative, accessible and inclusive distance education programmes improving the quality of higher education for individuals with visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments, and offering flexible learning and virtual mobility.

2) Upgrade the facilities through establishing accessibility offices and acquiring assistive technology resulting in modernization of university services.

3) Build capacity and professional development in administrative and teaching staff in developing and carrying out accessible and inclusive distance education programmes, and operating the accessibility offices.

4) Involve individuals with visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments in a user-centred design so that accessibility and usability are achieved in conjunction, and the links between education and society are strengthened.

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • The preparation of the development stage through an extended literature review for precedent trials in distance education for individuals with impairments.
  •  The development of the most suitable educational material for individuals with visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments in terms of accessibility, usability and educational efficacy through the study of end-user requirements.
  •  The adaptation of a course delivery system that best serves the needs of individuals with visual, hearing, mobility/physical impairments in distance education.
  •  The foundation of accessibility services in higher education so that students with impairments would be supported during their attendance in higher education.
  •  The training of advisors on the services of the accessibility offices, and the training of the trainers (advisors and representatives) so that they will be able to train the end-users (teaching staff and individuals with impairments).
  •  The examination of the regular co-operation of all the above to deliver inclusive distance education courses effectively when learning and skill enhancement are concerned, considering end-users feedback too.
  •  The dissemination and exploitation of the project deliverables on an international lev